What Is The Moon Sign? ⏾
The moon sign shows what sign the moon was traveling through when you were born. It’s based on your day of birth, not your date of birth. Sun signs are based on the date of birth so anyone born within the same 30 day period will have the same sun sign. Moon signs are a little different because the moon changes signs every 2 ½ days so to be sure of your moon sign you have to plug your birth information into a birth chart calculator.
What Does The Moon Sign Represent? ⏾
The moon sign is a really important placement in your birth chart, representing a core part of your personality. It represents your inner self: who you are on the inside, who you are when no one is watching, you only reveal this part of yourself to the people closest to you that you are comfortable with.
It also represents your inner feelings and emotions. The moon is a very sensitive point in the birth chart. It shows how sensitive you are, what triggers you emotionally and how you deal with or don’t deal with your emotions.
The moon also shows your home and family life. This includes your environment growing up and the one that you create for yourself as an adult. It shows your relationship with your family, specifically the relationship you have with your mother: how do you view the mother figure, what’s your experience with being nurtured and cared for? How do you show that you care for other people?
That plus sooo much more can be shown by the moon sign, but those are the main things that we’re going to focus on in this blog so let’s begin!
Aries moon is a very emotionally reactive moon sign. Their first instinct is to immediately react to whatever they’re feeling at the time. So if they’re feeling happy, they immediately express that positivity but if they’re upset they will be quick to explode and express those negative feelings. The good thing about Aries moon is that their emotions are short lived. Once they express their emotions, they like to move on quickly, they don’t like to dwell. An Aries moon person can literally be screaming angrily one minute and then the next minute they’re completely fine, focused on something else.
Being a fire sign, ruled by Mars, Aries moon can be prone to irritability and angry feelings. They may have to work on not getting mad so easily. Even when anger is triggered they have to learn to manage their anger and express themselves in healthy ways. If not their explosive nature can have them in constant conflict, drama and even legal trouble.
Although Aries moon is quick to express hostile emotions, they may shy away from more sensitive feelings. They’re not into crying, opening up and being soft and vulnerable. A lot of times they weren’t allowed the space to be those things growing up so as an adult it’s unnatural to express that softer side of themselves. A lot of Aries moon folks have to learn that it’s okay to cry and be sad and emotional. It doesn’t make you weak or a crybaby, it makes you human.
Aries Moon Internal Nature
The moon sign shows our inner personality, regardless of who we present ourselves to be on the outside. Aries moon can turn the most reserved Sun signs into a wild, fireball on the inside. I've seen the most soft, gentle Sun signs turn savage when paired with an Aries moon. So regardless of what the rest of your chart suggests, if you have an Aries moon your internal nature will be characterized by these bold, loud, dominant Aries traits.
You have a strong inner personality. You're very passionate, strong willed, fiery and independent. You enjoy excitement, movement, and activity. You don't like when things are too stagnant, calm and boring.
On the inside you are very tough and strong. You don't take anybody's stuff. You're not afraid to stand up for yourself or the people that you love. You're going to address an issue head on every time. You're very blunt and honest. Some people interpret this energy as mean or combative but you refuse to let anyone walk all over you or be confused on where you stand. You prefer to be straight up about everything.
Aries moons also possess a lot of ambition and drive deep on the inside. They’re very driven to reach their goals and have the motivation and stamina to go after the things that they want. They love feeling accomplished and can accomplish a lot in their lifetime if they put the energy into it. Some of the most successful people in the world have an Aries moon. For example: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Rihanna
An underrated Aries moon trait is that they're hilarious. Aries moons are so funny and witty. If you try to talk slick to them they immediately have a comeback that would probably make you laugh if you weren't the butt of the joke. Even their facial expressions make me chuckle.
Aries Moon Home Life / Family Life / Environment Growing Up 🏠👨👩👦
Growing up as an Aries moon can be kind of tough. They may face a lot of difficulties and struggles during adolescence. They can face abuse, domestic violence, family drama and neglect during childhood. Their home environment could've lacked warmth, nurture and care. Sometimes when Aries moon just needed a hug or guidance they were met with harsh discipline or tough love instead. Aries moons may not have felt protected growing up. They had to learn to fend for themselves early and protect themselves against the harmful environment that they came up in. This is where their fierce independence stems from. You may feel like you had to grow up fast.
It can be lonely growing up as an Aries moon in one way or another.
Growing up in a hostile environment can make you hostile or aggressive in ways.
You can have a "crazy" family. Your family could be full of individuals who do their own thing -- family isn't very family oriented. Family of hardworking, passionate individuals.
Aries Moon Mother / Relationship With Mother 🤱
I've seen the relationship with the mother of Aries moons go one of 2 ways depending on the aspects to the moon.
Positive Aspects
- The mother is young, independent and hardworking. She inspires you to reach your goals especially from watching her go after all her goals. Mother encourages you to do your best and be all you can be. She instills ambition, drive and motivation deep within you. Mother is physically active and young spirited well into old age. Mother has been through a lot but is strong, y’all may have been through a lot together but it just strengthens your relationship. Mother is assertive, direct and honest.
Negative Aspects
- Mother is mean and abusive. Mother is too wrapped up in her own world to care about what her child has going on. You have a rough/ rocky relationship with the mother. It’s hard to get along with your mother, yall often get into fights and arguments. Mother is too domineering and controlling for your liking. Felt like mother wasn’t soft, nurturing or caring enough. Mother is loud and rude. Mother has no manners. Mother is selfish. Mother is angry.
Ruler Of Aries Moon ♂
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. To get more insight into how your moon sign functions look to your mars placement in your birth chart.
Water Mars can douse out the fiery nature a little bit and make you more in touch with your emotional side.
Fire Mars can crank up the fiery nature, making you a complete fire cracker.
Earth Mars adds some constructiveness to your moon sign, making you more productive and materialistic.
Air Mars adds extra intellect, making you think before you act.
Celebrity Aries Moon Examples
Bill Gates
Cardi B
Kamala Harris
Selena Gomez
Steve Jobs
Tyra Banks
Whitney Houston
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If you would like me to look at the Aries Moon Placement in your chart + More then Book A Reading with Tayastrology.