Placement Specific Questions
Have questions about a specific placement in your chart? Not anymore.
Service Description
This reading is perfect if you have a question about a specific placement in your birth chart. During this reading I will take 10-15 mins to talk about that placement in your chart. Book this reading if you're having a hard time understanding a specific placement in your chart and I will clarify it for you. You can ask about: PLANETS (ex: I don't understand saturn in my chart, can you help explain?) PLANETS IN SIGNS (ex: my venus is in gemini, what does that mean?) PLANETS IN HOUSES (ex: my sun is in the 2nd house, what does that mean?) ASPECTS (ex: my moon is square pluto, what does that mean?) HOUSES (ex: can you explain my 4th house to me?) SIGNS IN HOUSES (ex: i have a libra rising, can you explain what that means for me? OR I have cancer on my 8th house cusp, can you explain that placement to me?) CONCERNS ABOUT A PLACEMENT (ex: i have saturn in the 7th house, does that mean my relationships are doomed?) Of coure you can always google information about your placements but there is nothing like having a professional astrologer look at your birth chart to tell you information that could only pertain to you based on distinctions in your specific chart. For example, you can look up your moon sign and find a whole bunch of generic information about it. But, because your moon is in a certain house, aspecting certain planets, that description may affect you a little differently. Many people may have the same moon sign, but not everyone's moon will reside in the same house, or have the same aspects as the next person's moon. Since birth charts are so complex and everyone's charts are so different, it would be impossible to make computer generated descriptions for EACH indivual's specific placements. That's why it's important to consult with an astrologer to get a professional perspective. During each reading I will talk about - sign placement -house placement -aspects - dignity (if planet placement) - any client concerns about placement Book to understand your placements more clearly/ deeply.
Cancellation Policy
This website is operated by TAYASTROLOGY. The terms , “I”, “me”, and “my '' refer to TAYASTROLOGY. This is a legal agreement between you and TAYASTROLOGY. Everyone who purchases a reading from TAYASTROLOGY must agree to these TERMS & CONDITIONS before purchasing. You understand and agree that F.E.P.O is an abbreviation for, “For Entertainment Purposes Only”. - All readings and services from TAYASTROLOGY are for entertainment purposes only. All information present on this website is for entertainment purposes only. - All readings and services from TAYASTROLOGY are intended for persons 18 years of age and older. All readings purchased for people under 18 years of age require a parental / legal guardian permission and signature ensuring that the parental guardian agrees to the terms and conditions. - All “advice”, predictions and information given during a reading or through this site are not guaranteed outcomes, they are only a matter of opinion and are intended for entertainment purposes only. - I may give you advice(F.E.P.O), make predictions(F.E.P.O), or give my opinion during a reading (F.E.P.O) but that does not mean that I am telling you what to do. Any actions that you take or decisions that you make are 100% your own and are not based on information received from TAYASTROLOGY. - Any information received from TAYASTROLOGY is not a substitute for professional/ licensed medical, legal, business, financial, therapeutic personnel or any other health care service or professional service. - I am not responsible for your emotional and/or mental reaction to the reading. - I will keep your identity and personal information confidential. I may share an example of something that I learned from your birth chart or through our session on a public platform but I will never reveal a client’s identity or personal information unless I have explicit permission from said client. (Personal information includes: name, phone number, address, email, etc.) - Prices for my readings are subject to change at any time without notice. Prices for my readings are displayed in USD. - Current wait time for all readings is 30 days as of 1/1/23. Current wait time is subject to change at any time without notice. - Refunds are only given if, for any reason (illness or personal), I am not able to do your reading within the time frame of the current wait time. No refunds will be issued if you don't like your reading for any reason. - No cancellations once booked.